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"Reach Out" EP Launch Gig... Succcess!!

On Sunday 28th April, Emma Lauson released her debut single "Blessed" and debut EP

"Reach Out" at the beautiful Tolouse Lautrec Jazz Club in London. Playing with her wonderful support band "Nightingale Road" it was an evening of diversity and talent, as the show showcased Emma's favourite self-penned songs as well as (obviously) the three on the EP!

Inviting key collaborators in her musical journey to share the stage with her, including "Blessed" co-writer Shay Allie and "Nightingale Road" lead singer Martyn Adams it was a special evening full that started with gentle songs by candlelight and then ramped up to Beatles collaborations with full disco ball sparkles!

The professional videos are oming soon on Emma Lauson's YouTube channel, but here is one taken by a guest as a taster in the meanwhile!


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